Wild Game Dinner is one of the biggest wild game event in the USA! A ticket will automatically enter you into the door prize giveaway. Great giveaway items such as Shotguns, Hunting Rifles, Outdoor Gear & lots more!
Top shelf open liquor bar and free flowing ice cold beer, both bottled and on tap. Dinner includes Jambalaya, Gator, Frog Legs, Pierre David Venison, Red Stag Venison, Catfish, Wild Hog, Elk Stew, Buffalo Chili, Swamp Cabbage, Sweet Corn, Adams Beef & more.
All foods groups will be prepared by local “best of the best” cooks with private recipes that should serve to please any palate.
Enjoy the night with live music, out door games to win even more giveaways and guns! and celebrity guest speakers.
100% of the proceeds made at Wild Game Dinner is donated to the Busch Family Foundation! Peter W. Busch created The Busch Family Foundation over 30 years ago to make a difference in our community. Education, youth/family, and our Veterans are the focus of the Foundation along with the preservation of Florida’s natural beauty and indigenous wildlife. Peter has owned Southern Eagle Distributing, the local Anheuser-Busch distributor, since 1984. From the very beginning, his family, staff and management have been committed to improving our community. They have supported numerous local charities with countless time, energy, money, beverages and more. Their mission is to help make our community better and stronger for the people who live here.